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Ask & You Shall Receive

Writer's picture: EllenEllen

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

As a holistic health and life coach, I'm all about helping people integrate their mind, body, and spirit as they're creating their ideal health and happiness and relationships.

I love what I do and it's a lot of fun. And yet, like all of us humans, I go through struggles and challenge too. Sometimes it's awkward and messy and cringeworthy, and other times it's graceful and smooth and eloquent.

Today I want to share about a recent experience of getting stuck, and how I was able to create a shift.

Lately I have been in my head a lot about what content I'm going to create and share with you next. There's just so many topics that are huge right now, and so many things that I've learned over these last couple of years as I've come into a new way of being in the world.

I've been really stuck in perfectionism, wanting to share the perfect, most understandable, most accessible message with you.

The other day I got to talking with Stephanie from my team about how this happens to everybody sometimes. That's when I decided that I was going to break free from the overthinking.

I literally said, I just need a subtle shift. I don't know what it will be, but I know I'll get out of this perfectionist thing.

Those of you that know me well know that I believe that everything happens with purpose. What happened next was pretty amazing...

Back in January I went to a meditation retreat in New York City, and it was life transforming. While we were there we wrote a note to our future selves, sharing a nugget of wisdom to remember.

So after my conversation this week, I went to the mailbox and sure enough, this letter from January was there to greet me. I want to share this simple message with you:

I'd like you to remember that it's about not being perfect, it's about letting it just be as it is no matter what.
I'd like us to celebrate the successes of meditating twice per da with breathing in nature. Each breath is the beauty and wonder of God's creation and it's all here for you.
If you fall off the wagon into perfectionism, let it be okay and get back on the wagon. It is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. It's all okay; just get back on track.

I share this with you because I have the simplest strategy for you today. I'm not going to get complicated with all those topics that were spinning out of my head.

I want to give you a tool that anyone can use at any time, and that is the tool of asking for a sign or subtle little support from the universe, or God or whatever it is that you believe in.

I literally asked for a sign. I went to my mailbox, and this was waiting for me. And it's not complicated. It happens all day every day if we're paying attention.

While I was walking back from the mailbox. I also saw a hawk flying away from me. Last week I asked for a sign for something very, very, very specific. And I said, I will know that this is the right thing when I see a bird flying away from me.

Over the weekend, there was a red cardinal that flew away from me, which has never happened to my entire life. It literally came into my consciousness and zipped on off, and then today this big beautiful hawk did the same thing.

It was just very affirming and allowed me to get unstuck from perfectionism so I could share this message with you.

So, today's simple strategy: If you're stuck you can always ask for a sign to help you get out of your head and come into a place of ease.

I'm going to have faith that someone out there needs to hear this. I hope it helps you get unstuck and create the shift you're needing.

Some of you might be feeling skeptical about this.  If that's you, I invite you to think of this as an experiment.  Try it for yourself and see what happens.

How did this work out for you? Have you ever received a perfectly-timed sign or synchronicity? I'd love for you to leave a comment and let me know.


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