The ideal life method foundations class
The Ideal Life Method Foundations Class is a 5-week program that includes a one-on-one consultation, weekly group coaching sessions, assignments, resources, post-program accountability group and these weekly modules:
Pre-work: Clarity
Most of us race through the day trying to get as many things done as we can. Yes we’re busy, but are we creating a life we love with happiness, health, great relationships and a fulfilling career? In this pre-work, you’ll jump off of the hamster wheel, quiet the distractions, and come face to face with where you are right now (without judgment) so that you can decide if it’s truly where you want to be - or if there’s more for you.
Module 1: The Ideal
We create what we focus on. If you’re focused on surviving your everyday struggles, you’ll always be in survival mode. If you want to thrive, it’s time to focus on - and create - your ideal life. In this module, you’ll paint a vivid picture of your ideal health, body, relationships, environment and career. This clear vision will be the rocket fuel for thriving, and it’ll help you adopt the impactful tools and strategies that you can rely on for the rest of your life.
Module 2: Fueling for Success
You’re able to run, jump, play, love and work because you have a body: it’s the one and only engine you’ll have for the rest of your life. The quality of your experiences relies on how you care for it. In this module, you’ll learn how to nourish your body with the type of food it was designed to thrive on, giving you the energy and clear mindedness to live your ideal life.
Module 3: Mindset
Your mind and body are intricately linked to create the experiences you’re having. Just as you need the proper food to fuel your life, you also need empowering thoughts and beliefs to thrive. Your mindset is an energy. Energy creates energy. Fear creates fear. Abundance creates abundance. Many of us don’t know how to shift our mindset to create exactly what we want in life. In this module, you’ll learn an entirely new process for creating and enjoying the health, happiness, love and the success you desire.
Module 4: Relationships
Personal and professional relationships are the joy and sweetness of life. The relationship we have with ourselves drives how we treat and react to others, which makes it the most important relationship we’re in. In this module, you’ll learn how to make yourself a priority and decode the issues that are coming up in your relationships, setting the stage for renewed joy and curiosity in every connection.
Module 5: Structure For Freedom
Many of us constantly feel like we need more time. The 168 hours we get each week are an absolute gift! To thrive in our ideal lives, we just need to prioritize the things that create the ideal in our health, happiness, relationships and career. In this module, you’ll get crystal clear about the activities that make a measurable difference in your life. We will focus on time budgeting and creating balance.
Get Started Now
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Sign Up Now - 3 Payment Options:
*Bonus for 1 Payment/$1500 Option:
One FREE month of our Ideal Alignment Program - one of the best ways to stay on track after class ends is to participate in these group sessions that meet twice per month. You'll continue to learn new skills and be held accountable for the changes you're making! (a $300 value)
FREE Private one-on-one session with Ellen - to help you get crystal clear on your vision for your ideal life and identify any blocks that may be standing in your way. ($350 value)
Schedule a conversation with Ellen to ask questions & sign up